
Note that OSyn charges no additional fees for any of the tooling (advanced orders included) it provides outside of the required fees charged by our liquidity provider.

OSyn is built upon the Synthetix Protocol. In order to enable the exchange of synthetic assets, an exchange fee is charged by Synthetix, whose fees are sent to the fee pool for Synthetix (SNX) stakers.

Synthetix Fees

Keeper deposit: Fixed fee of $2 is given to the keeper bots to execute the trade (Refunded if you execute the order yourself if a keeper is unavailable)

Maker/Taker: Maker & Taker fees may vary depending on a selected market. The most current fees are prominently displayed within the OSyn trading platform.

Basis Points (BPS) are a unit of measurement equal to 1/100th of 1 percent commonly used in financial markets. Find actual exchange fees within OSyn.



2 bps


10 bps

All fees are charged against the notional position size during order execution, and up-to-date fees can are always displayed in the order entry panel. Fees are only charged when the trade successfully executes.

Last updated